
Dolores Cannon: What is QHHT® (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique)? (2014)
Dolores Cannon discusses how she created and developed Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT®) and began teaching it in 2002.
Dolores Cannon: What is the Subconscious? (2014)
Dolores talks about the the tremendous force she accesses for information and healing known as the Subconscious that she and all certified QHHT® practitioners work with during their QHHT® sessions.
Dolores Cannon: What does it feel like to go into trance? (2014)
Dolores talks about the experience that a client has during a QHHT® session and how she documents and shares the information she receives.
Dolores Cannon: What is it like to go into a past life? (2014)
Dolores describes the unique experience each client has when being regressed into a past life using her QHHT® method of hypnosis. Past life regression is the first step to accessing instant healing and unlimited knowledge that comes with accessing the Subconscious.
Dolores Cannon: QHHT® and Alien Life/UFO Abductions (2014)
Dolores discusses her 27 years of research into ETs and UFOs and the 4 books she's written on the subject: Keepers of the Garden, The Legend of Starcrash, Legacy from the Stars and The Custodians, all of which were made possible by utilising QHHT®.
Dolores Cannon: What is your favorite experience with QHHT®? (2014)
Dolores recalls some of the most memorable experiences and miraculous healings she had
witnessed during her decades-long career as a hypnotherapist and past life regressionist utilising
her unique QHHT® method of hypnosis.
What is your mission on Earth? Dolores Cannon (2012)
Dolores discusses her mission on Earth, her work, books and findings, and emphasises the importance of love and forgiveness.
Dolores Cannon: We all come from Source (2012)
Dolores discusses what is God / the Source of all things, the creative power of our minds and the meaning of life.
Dolores Cannon: How to live your life to the fullest! (2012)
Dolores discusses the importance of finding and living one’s passion – if we live our life to the fullest pursuing our life’s passion, we don’t get sick.
Dolores Cannon: How to use the power of your mind (2012)
Dolores discusses how we can heal ourselves using the power of our mind – all sickness and all healing come from the mind; any ‘dis-ease’ in the physical body is a message delivery system to direct our attention to issues we’ve been unwilling to look at and address.
Dolores Cannon on parallel lives (2013)
Dolores discusses about parallel lives and how each decision we make creates parallel / alternate realities where a different “me” exists.
Expectations in a quantum healing session (2012)
Dolores discusses the importance of coming to a session open-minded and without high expectations. Candace Craw Goldman reads from the Convoluted Universe Book Four: the practitioner is a facilitator only; clients are in charge of their healing and need to take personal responsibility for their lives and wellbeing.
Dolores & hypnosis technique/method discussed (re-released in 2020)
Dolores discusses at length her hypnosis technique, what issues can be resolved through QHHT® and what is the meaning of certain body messages.
Dolores Cannon - Volunteers: souls, past lives & ETs (2012)
Dolores discusses the three waves of volunteers, the seeding of Planet Earth by ETs, and dimensional shift into ‘the New Earth’ in an interview on The Moore Show.
Dolores Cannon presents moving into ‘the New Earth’ (2013)
Dolores discusses the three waves of volunteers, the split between the Old and the New Earth and what is the New Earth going to be like.
The story of Dolores Cannon told by her daughter Julia Cannon (2020)
Julia Cannon discusses how her parents first started experimenting with hypnosis, the development and evolution of QHHT®, how QHHT® can open us up to inner guidance, and where is QHHT® today.
Three tips to a great QHHT session, by Level 3 Practitioner Suzanne Spooner (2017)
Suzanne Spooner discusses three great tips: say the first thing that comes to mind; when asked to see something, try to imagine it in as much detail as possible; and talk, talk and talk.

What is BQH? By Candace Craw-Goldman (2020)
The founder of BQH Candace Craw-Goldman explains what BQH is and how it can help clients.
BQH and QHHT® (2020)
The founder of BQH Candace Craw-Goldman discusses in more detail the differences between BQH and QHHT®. BQH does not aim to compete with or outdo QHHT®.
Hypnosis myth-busters (2019)
Candace addresses 12 common misconceptions or misunderstandings regarding hypnosis. A must-see for anyone considering a hypnosis session.
Expectations – the double-edged sword (2019)
Candace describes two versions of expectations, and two very different outcomes. Keeping expectations to a minimum can help clients ‘go with the flow’ during a session and reduce resistance to the ‘format’ or timeframe in which healing may occur.
Jumpstart your imagination (2019)
Candace discusses the importance of developing one’s imagination to enhance one’s session experience, including suggestions for some simple exercises.
Energetic connection with practitioner (2019)
Candace takes a look at the importance of connecting and aligning energetically with your chosen practitioner. Is experience or heart connection more important?
Candace is interviewed by Lilou Mace about BQH (2020)
Candace talks about her work with Dolores, how Candace came to create BQH, and how are BQH and QHHT® both similar and different.

High-level introduction to Pranic Healing
Advanced introduction to Pranic Healing (2011)
Pranic Healing is a highly evolved, effective and comprehensive system of natural healing developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. Pranic Healing uses life-force (prana) to accelerate the body's innate ability to prevent, alleviate, and heal a whole spectrum of physical, emotional, and mental ailments as well as balance, harmonise and transform the body's energy processes.
High-level introduction to Twin Hearts Meditation
Lecture on Pranic Healing by Master Stephen Co (2020)
Master Stephen Co, a direct student of the creator of Pranic Healing, Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui, discusses the foundational principles of Pranic Healing and what sets Pranic Healing apart from other energy healing modalities.